Soaring gas prices have impacted millions of Americans. Many are choosing to drive less and look for ways to save money on gasoline.
But another potential impact of high gas prices has to do with safety. Let’s look at a few possible ways in which increased gas prices may affect motorist safety:
More Motorcycles On The Road
Motorcycles use less gas. So expect to see more motorcyclists on the road this spring, summer, and fall – as they enjoy their sport and save money at the same time. More motorcyclists may use their bikes for everyday activities such as commuting and running errands.
But riding a motorcycle does not come without its risks. Other motorists may fail to see motorcyclists. They may change lanes in front of them and otherwise act in a way that puts bikers at risk. This could lead to an increase in motorcyclist accidents and fatalities.
Safer Roads?
There is evidence to suggest that higher gas prices may actually be a good thing when it comes to motor vehicle safety.
According to Bloomberg, for every 10 percent increase in the price of gasoline, there is a 1.5 percent decrease in motor vehicle accidents per capita. When gas is cheaper, more people drive – and more cars on the road mean more accidents.
But these positive results relating to higher gas prices may not be immediately apparent. It may take several months – nine to be precise – for the positive effects to be seen.
Safe Driving Is Always Important
It is important to remember that there may be more motorcycles on the road in the coming months. Checking blind spots and being aware of the presence of these smaller vehicles is very important to ensure the safety of all motorists.
An accident can happen anytime, anywhere. Even though there may be fewer cars on the road due to high gas prices, drivers should always be aware of their surroundings and practice defense driving techniques.