Indianapolis Product Liability Attorneys
If you have been injured after using a product and are wondering whether or not you have a product liability claim in Indiana, we at Ladendorf Fregiato & Bigler suggest that you ask yourself the following questions:
- Did your injuries occur because of a product?
- Were you using the product properly, yet still suffered from injury?
- Were you seriously harmed by the product?
- Were the product’s directions vague about proper use and/or warning signs?
- Was there no warning label?
If you have answered yes to any or all of these questions, the product liability attorneys at Ladendorf Fregiato & Bigler strongly suggest you seek legal assistance at your earliest convenience. Injuries caused by products are no laughing matter — often, these injuries can lead to financial turmoil and sometimes death.
What Is The Indiana Product Liability Act?
The Indiana Products Liability Act (also referred to as “the Act”) dictates all product liability actions and codifies what makes a product defective. In order to establish that a product is defective, the product was/had:
Dangerous or hazardous upon creation
- This type of defect happens due to a design error; when a product is properly assembled and used correctly, but still is dangerous to the consumer.
Defectively manufactured
- This type of defect occurs during the manufacturing stage. When a product is made of cheap materials or is improperly assembled, it can cause great injury.
Failed to warn
- Failure to warn refers to the circumstance where manufacturers or product designers fail to provide consumers with all the information they need to use the product safely. This could include side effects caused by the product, the appropriate age range of those who should use the product, and directions on how to take/use the product.
The Many Damages Caused By Defective Products
Below is a list of common types of injuries/damages that can be caused by defective products:
- Choking
- Burning
- Electrocution
- Fractures
- Organ failure
- Wrongful death
- Financial burden
- Mental and emotional anguish
If you have suffered in any of the above ways, contact Ladendorf Fregiato & Bigler to ensure that your rights are protected, and you get the compensation you deserve for all of your pain and suffering.
If A Product Harmed You, Get Our Help
If you or a loved one have been injured due to a defective product, it is in your best interest to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Product companies are responsible for keeping their consumers safe and should be held accountable if they do not. Being injured by a product can be devastating emotionally, physically, and financially.
If you believe you have suffered due to a defective product, contact our Indianapolis product liability attorneys at Ladendorf Fregiato & Bigler. We are a small firm that puts our clients’ needs first. Contact us now for a free consultation: 317-842-5800.