Motorcycling is a popular mode of transportation and recreation in Indiana, but it comes with its share of risks.
The year 2020 saw a concerning number of motorcycle accidents in Indiana at 2,785. This was up from 2019 at 2,582. These incidents highlight the vulnerability of motorcyclists on the road and the importance of safety measures for both riders and other motorists.
Fatalities are on the rise
Tragically, 138 motorcyclists lost their lives in accidents in 2020. This was a 19% increase from 2019. One point of good news is this is lower than the high in 2012 of 151. Still, it is far above the low set in 2016 of 98. Of note is that motorcycle accidents only make up under 2% of all auto accidents, but 15% of all fatalities.
Multi-vehicle accidents are the biggest concern
Of the motorcycle accidents in the state, 71% involved other vehicles. This fact is a good indicator that everyone has to be responsible for keeping bikers safe on the roads.
Helmets save lives
One of the most effective ways to reduce the severity of injuries in motorcycle accidents is by wearing helmets. Helmets significantly lower the risk of head injuries and fatalities. In fatal crashes, 31% were not wearing this safety gear. Riders aged 45 to 54 were least likely to use a helmet, compared to those under age 21.
The motorcycle accident trends in Indiana serve as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety for all. Indiana can work towards reducing motorcycle accidents and ensuring safer roads for everyone through more awareness of these terrible statistics.